4870-00026-112 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1 YR GMS MAINT ON 25 LICENSE | $ 891.76 | |
4870-00055-112 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR IPOWER 9000 WAR | $ 1278.79 | |
4870-000-69-002 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Installations 3rd Party | POLYCOM VSX 8800 BASIC INSTALLATION | $ 1735.64 | |
4870-00001-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM TOTAL COVERAGE 1YR VSX7000 | $ 752.11 | |
4870-00001-001 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Installations 3rd Party | POLYCOM REMOTE INSTALL VSX 7000 | $ 922.68 | |
4870-00048-162 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM TC 1YR OUT OF WTY F/VS EX323 | $ 795 | |
4870-00071-002 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM VSX7000/VTX1000BNDL/SITEINST | $ 1396.49 | |
4870-00001-002 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Installations 3rd Party | POLYCOM INSTALLATION VSX7000-ONSITE | $ 1381.53 | |
4870-00001-336 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TC PREMIER VSX7000 | $ 1781.53 | |
4870-00040-160 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TC PREM F/SS2 | $ 27.92 | |
4870-00001-106 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR PREM RENWL F/VSX7000 | $ 881.78 | |
4870-00001-136 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR PREM RENWL F/VXS7000 | $ 2094.74 | |
4870-00042-360 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM TC 3YR PREM F/SS VTX1000 | $ 259.34 | |
4870-00047-162 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM TC 1YR OUT OF WTY F/VS FX4K | $ 1151.11 | |
4870-00049-162 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM TC 1YR OUT OF WTY F/VS SP128 | $ 528.67 | |
4870-00001-138 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR PREM PLUS RNWL F/VSX7000 | $ 3221.92 | |
4870-00125-002 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Installations 3rd Party | POLYCOM ONSITE INSTALL F/VSX 5000 | $ 1381.53 | |
4870-00125-336 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TC PREM F/VSX 5000 | $ 1429.41 | |
4870-00157-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TC PREM F/WALL DISPLAY | $ 311.21 | |
4870-00066-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TC PREM ADV REPL F/VSX3K | $ 651.36 | |
4870-00071-336 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TC F/VSX7000/VTX1000 | $ 1994.99 | |
4870-00067-336 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TOTAL COVERAGE PREM V500 | $ 630.41 | |
4870-00040-112 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR PREM SVC F/SOUNDSTAION | $ 29.92 | |
4870-00070-336 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TOTAL COVERAGE PREM | $ 2822.92 | |
4870-00069-138 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR PREM PLUS F/VSX8000 | $ 5590.98 | |
4870-00071-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TC F/VSX7000 SERIES | $ 839.9 | |
4870-00066-136 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR PREM F/VSX3000 | $ 1821.43 | |
4870-00069-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | TOTAL COVERAGE 1 YR SUPPORT FOR VSX | $ 1087.27 | |
4870-00125-106 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR PREMIER VSX5000 | $ 708.22 | |
4870-00116-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TC SUP F/V2IU | $ 242.38 | |
4870-00116-356 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TC F/V2IU | $ 573.55 | |
4870-00305-336 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR PARTNER PREMIER V700 | $ 900.73 | |
4870-00302-160 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR PARTNER PREMIER IP HDST | $ 19.94 | |
4870-00304-160 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TOTAL COV IP 4000 PHONE | $ 69.82 | |
4870-00304-360 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TOTAL COV IP 4000 PHONE | $ 136.65 | |
4870-00125-801 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM SERVICE RE-ACTIVATION FEE | $ 315.2 | |
4870-00370-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TOTAL COV PREM HDX4000 | $ 698.24 | |
4870-00380-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TOTAL COVER PREM HDX8000 | $ 947.62 | |
4870-00380-336 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TOTAL COVER PREM HDX8000 | $ 2264.32 | |
4870-00380-002 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Installations 3rd Party | POLYCOM ONSITE INSTALL SVC HDX 8000 | $ 1381.53 | |
4870-00380-136 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR PREMIER SVC HDX 8000 | $ 2663.32 | |
4870-00117-007 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM IMPLEMENTATION SVC V2IU-5300 | $ 3612.94 | |
4870-00370-002 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Installations 3rd Party | POLYCOM ONSITE INSTALL HDX 4000 | $ 1361.58 | |
4870-00117-356 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TOTAL COVER PREM 24X7XND | $ 2058.83 | |
4870-00001-338 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TOTAL COVER PREM VSX7000 | $ 2738.13 | |
4870-00408-336 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 3YR TOTAL COVERAGE HDX 7000 | $ 2024.92 | |
4870-00408-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR TOTAL COVERAGE HDX 7000 | $ 849.86 | |
4870-00139-160 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM TOTAL COVERAGE | $ 3132.14 | |
4870-00305-156 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM 1YR PREMIER SVC V700 | $ 379.04 | |
4870-00125-802 | Polycom Telephony | Services (3rd Party Delivered) - Warranties-3rd Party | POLYCOM RE-ACTIVATION FEE VSX 5000 | $ 632.41 | |